Monday, November 6, 2006


And her name shall be Maggie!!!

I know it sounds cliche - but it is true. So I am just going to say it - and get it out of the way.

The picture is AMAZING - it is like the players are IN my living room. Seriously.

After much debate and MANY patient years Amy and I purchased our new TV. It is a lovely 37" LCD. We did the consumer reports - we ended up with a Magnavox (#2 in CR for the size). Amy was fairly sure that she only wanted a 32" - but thanks to the helpful persuasion of some friends we got the next size up.

I have named her "Maggie" - she is the newest member of my family. For those of you that know me, you know that TV is hugely important in my life - which is why there was so much time and effort put into this decision.

But, Maggie is home now. She is settling in pretty well. She will soon be hanging above the fireplace. I just need to finish getting the hanging bracket up - but she is comfortable for now. Cayuga is taking to her pretty well - all things considered. It must be hard to be an only child (dog) and then all of sudden a new bundle of joy comes home - but he is OK so long as there is a lap to sit on. And...thanks to Maggie - there might be more lap available then ever before.

I am very excited for this week of television. Almost all of my favorite shows are broadcast in HD. I cannot wait to see them. So far we have just watched the Colts/Pats game - but we were both blown away. Amy LOVED seeing the grass on the field.

So, Maggie, welcome to our home. Make yourself comfortable. Get ready to work hard. I am glad that you are "Engery Star" and use so little power, it makes me not feel so bad about having you on a lot.

And for all you friends out there - you are welcome to come over and meet Maggie. We might even have a party in her honor. Yay!

Oh - and my sister in law and my dear friend Matt are engaged!!! Congrats to them. I am almost as excited for that as I am for Maggie!!!

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